Serial Position Effects

Serial Position Effect

  • A phenomenon of memory which items that present at the beginning and end of a list is more chance to be be recalled than items at the middle of list.
Figure 5.3.1: Lists of positions and course for non engineering
This is one of the example for serial position effect. The lists on the top (red line) has more tendencies to be recalled than in the middle (yellow line). Besides, only a few list than had been ticked and it makes people easier to remember and recalled what they had read. 
Unlike at the middle lists (yellow line) there is so many lists that had been ticked and it makes people hard to remember and recalled what they had read before.

Primacy Effect
  • The beginning items in a list are stored in Long Term Memory (LTM). 
  • For example, on Figure 5.3.1, the initial lists have more tendencies to be remembered rather than on the middle of the lists (look at the yellow line).
  • There are 2 types of primacy effects:
  1. Stronger Primacy Effect - Items are slowly presented (More time to store the initial items in LTM).
  2. Weaker Primacy Effect - Items are rapidly presented (Less time to store the initial items in LTM.

    Recency Effect

    • When people more efficiently recalled the end items that stored in Long Term Memory (LTM).
    • For example, on the Figure 5.3.1, the lists in the blue line has more tendencies to be recalled since it is only has a few of lists that had been ticked with symbol.


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